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Tawheed: Wahdat-ul-Wajud
Tasawwuf: From an Islamic Perspective

AGHAYIAH ORDER (“silsila”)

Hazrat Meerza Agha Mohammad (RA)

Hazrat Dr. Meerza Murtuza Hussain (RA)

Dr. Meerza Ikhtiyar Hussain – Present Shaykh


updated: Tuesday 11 December 2012

AghaRang Newsletter Issue 6 (Oct -Dec 2011)
NEW (English) Click here to read it.

Newsletter above has been updated: 1 January 2012

The Sufi Path

haqTasawwuf i.e. the Sufi path is an esoteric dimension of Islam; rather it is the soul of Islam. It has been defined in numerous ways according to various levels of perception and also according to the ability of common people to understand. This simply leads to a conclusion that it cannot be defined through words. This path leads towards an understanding of the flame of life that happens at the time of birth and disappears at the time of death. It is not a concrete path going from one point to another; rather it is an abstract view of understanding one’s own self by directly facing and experiencing the ongoing process of life. To elaborate it further, it can be viewed as a circular journey in search of God where centres meet without touching the peripheries. Although, Sufi path has always been criticized by a group of Islamic Scholars on grounds of similarities with other religions, but this should not pose a problem to an average intelligence as all the religions were for the human beings and as human beings have evolved with time, so have the religions. Even in Quran, Islam is not mentioned as a new religion rather a culmination of all the previous religions; hence similarities are bound to be there. However, just as a flower does not mean anything without color or fragrance, likewise Islam loses its meaning without Tasawwuf.

Annually on 13th Zi'quad (a lunar month), Hazrat Agha Sahib's (R.A.) URS is celebrated.